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How to Write a Conclusion Paragraph for Argumentative Papers

How to Write a Conclusion Paragraph for Argumentative Papers

If you want to know how to write a conclusion for an argumentative essay, you’ll have to start by understanding why each academic paper needs this paragraph. 

Let’s learn more about its purpose and structure.

(And don’t miss examples!)

Argumentative Essay Conclusion: Purpose

We all know that a conclusion is the final paragraph of any essay. Why is it so essential, especially for argumentative essays? 

The purpose is to persuade readers that your points on the topic are valid when you write such a paper. A concluding paragraph isn’t just a summary but a clue, gluing all components and bringing home the final argument.

In other words, it is a perfect opportunity to let your readers understand why your essay is worth reading and thinking about.

Below, you’ll learn how to achieve this effect.

Writing a Conclusion for Argumentative Essay

To create a good conclusion, ensure to include three parts there.

The first sentence must restate your thesis in light of what you’ve discovered through your arguments. Next, summarize those arguments and finish with the final statement. Let’s look at each of these components in more detail.

The elements of your concluding paragraph

1. Restate Your Thesis

A thesis is one of the first things you write in your argumentative essay conclusion outline, and that’s because it’s like the heart of your essay. Restate it in conclusion, having created a more persuasive version. 

For example:

Thesis:“The fairy tale The Emperor’s New Clothes by Andersen is a satire on the society where even monarchs aren’t courageous enough to face the obvious truth and their people cannot object.”
Thesis restatement in a concluding paragraph:“Consequently, the fairy tale The Emperor’s New Clothes satirizes the rulers blinded by their power and people who encourage their destructive behavior.”

2. Summarize Arguments

It’s the second sentence of your conclusion where you retell the arguments from the body paragraphs. In the example, you can see the summary that should match at least two points:

  1. The first one describes the king’s mistakes;
  2. The second one elaborates on how the people reacted.

Here’s what it looks like:

“The king is afraid to look unclever because he cannot see ‘the magical clothes’ offered by fraud, and the comical situations continue because nobody is brave enough to tell him about the issue.”

3. Provide a Final Statement

The last sentence of your essay should answer the “So what?” question [1].

Use some points from the essay body to support your claim. Just be careful not to introduce any new information there! In the below example, the final statement aims at strengthening the essay by describing how we can use the fairy tale’s lesson in our everyday lives.


“The very name of this fairy tale has become proverbial, especially for journalists who want to emphasize severe issues with a single phrase.”

Argumentative Essay Conclusion Paragraph: Examples

I’ve decided to provide you with five more examples of different argumentative essay conclusions so that you understand the purpose and structure.


Here’s a conclusion explaining a single argument:

Consequently, no race can be superior to another at any level, and any objections to this statement are dangerous to humanity. Peace and prosperity only come from collaboration, learning, and respecting all cultures. The people who seek to create conflicts between different races can do nothing more than harm themselves and the rest of humanity.

It is a conclusion to an essay arguing that drinking Coca-Cola has no benefits:

In conclusion, the components in Coca-Cola, combined with carbonation, make this drink pleasant to consume but harmful. The sugar in this drink has adverse effects on one's teeth and may provide excessive calories, and artificial flavorings can cause more harm internally. So, one must only consume this drink on rare occasions if the health allows it.

And this argumentative essay conclusion proves that interval fasting is healthy:

A correctly selected interval fasting regimen can prove beneficial for many patients. Many variations of this practice exist, so it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional to avoid accidental unfavorable outcomes. In short, this method is effective, but many people might be biased against it because of their negative self-treatment experiences.

In this conclusion, there’s an analysis of the opposing arguments:

Therefore, global warming is real and spreads rapidly, as animals and people suffer its consequences. Those who argue against this statement appeal to the "natural changes" in the environment. Yet, such changes would occur gradually without the greenhouse effect impact that is currently causing extreme heat in summers and abnormally warm winters.

Finally, here goes a similar conclusion on the same topic but without mentioning any opposing arguments:

To sum up, global warming has specific and tangible effects one cannot deny. The greenhouse gases emitted by factories across the globe are causing more and more abnormal heat. If humanity fails to recognize the harm it is doing to itself and the planet people call home, the consequences will be terrifying and, most likely, completely irreversible.

5 Don’ts of Writing Argumentative Conclusions

It’s great when you can impressively conclude your essay, but there are some things you should never do when writing your final paragraph.

  1. Don’t forget to review your arguments before wrapping up. You need to reread your entire essay and, perhaps, correct some logical fallacies before writing the conclusion. Otherwise, it will be harder to fix later.
  2. Never start without rereading your thesis statement. Some students skip the introduction when reviewing their papers and jump directly to the body paragraphs. It’s a terrible strategy since the first sentence of your conclusion is all about the thesis statement.
  3. Don’t underestimate the effectiveness of simple formulations. Many students want their final paragraphs to sound extra persuasive and try to achieve that effect with fancy words. However, a perfect conclusion is simple and straightforward, conveying the main point of your essay.
  4. Never introduce new information or quotes in your final paragraph. It’s a mistake you might make by accident. All the information in your conclusion should be just a recap, not new materials.
  5. Don’t rush. Complete other parts before writing the final paragraph. Even if you have a brilliant idea for your thesis restatement while writing your essay’s body, it’s better to hold that thought. Otherwise, your paper might become incoherent.


Can I end an essay with a question?

When writing an academic essay, you can’t end it with a question. The best way to approach the ending of your university paper is by following the standard structure for the conclusion. Whether it’s an argumentative piece or any other type, a question doesn’t work as a final touch.

How to start a conclusion for an argumentative essay?

Start by restating your thesis. Repeat your main idea in light of what you’ve discovered in the body paragraphs. That way, your readers will not lose sight of your goal. Instead, they’ll follow along with your findings naturally.

How long is an essay conclusion?

If your essay is one page long, your conclusion should be no shorter than four lines and three sentences. You can add more information for longer papers to explain your final thoughts. Nevertheless, it’s critical to keep the length of your conclusion (as well as the introduction) to a minimum.

How to End an Argumentative Essay: Takeaways

As you can see, the proper format and good ideas are essential for a great conclusion to an argumentative essay. Please note that your primary goal is persuading your readers that your main thought is valid and worth considering. Occasionally, you might address some opposing viewpoints [2] but introduce no new information in your conclusion.

Remember these main principles, follow the standard structure, and you’ll do a great job, by all means!




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